Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Our baby Benjamin is a true miracle

This beautiful boy just keeps growing and exceeding every expectation.  He's too good to be believed.

With everything that happened early last year...learning of his two-vessel cord (1/20/16)...Marie suffering through pre-term contractions (starting three months before due date) and confined to bedrest (3/11/16)...and then low amniotic fluid resulting in the decision to induce labor a month early (5/17/16)...

...it was a total nightmare.  How are we so blessed that it turned out like this?

I remember hiking with my dad at a nearby nature preserve in April and telling him I just couldn't take the worry anymore.  I'd already spent three months panicking about poor Benjamin's health.  I'd prayed so many times that he would make it, and never dared to get my hopes up.  There were just too many complications to feel assured of anything.  I wasn't giving up, but I felt so beaten down.

And since that time, he's beaten all the odds.  This baby boy, born at only 4 pounds and 11 ounces, came home after only 3 days!  Every single day, he's gotten stronger, smarter and more amazing.  Thank God for this boy.

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