Friday, February 24, 2017

Benjamin highlights from January 2017!

January was yet another huge month for Baby Benjamin.  He sprouted his first teeth, officially crawled for the first time, and moved permanently from the sleep chair to the crib!  If you're wondering why he didn't move to crib sleeping for so long?  Poor Benji had significant spit-up issues as a preemie which necessitated an elevated sleeping position for quite a while.  Once he was ready, we made sure to prepare the crib in two important ways - safety bumpers and a fancy wall-mounted monitor.  Check out all the cute pics of our baby below!

1/2/17 - Marie and I were joking that day that our pale skin and the drab winter conditions made us seem like a Russian family.

1/2/17 - Benjamin with his duck - which he didn't like as much as we hoped!

1/5/17 - Benjamin peeking through the bars at me!

1/5/17 - Another peeky Bean

1/6/17 - "What, dad?"

1/7/17 - Adorable


1/7/17 - one of our favorites of sweet Benji so far!

1/8/17 - Photographic proof of Bean's first teeth!

1/9/17 - Floppy Bean

1/10/17 - Yes, you are awesome!

1/10/17 - Feeding time in the living room!  On the floor, you can see one of his "binkies," which he tosses aside faster than we can replace them.

1/10/17 - Bean looks so silly in these socks!

1/10/17 - I guess he doesn't love the socks.


1/12/17 - Luxurious Bean

1/15/17 - Post-Bath Bean


1/16/17 - We tried giving him more freedom in his "playard" while hanging out downstairs with us.  But even though he's still a small baby boy, it didn't offer him much room to move.  So we soon made a new purchase.  Pics to come later.

1/16/17 - Another in the playard


1/17/17 - Benjamin turns 8 months old!

1/17/17 - Happy 8 months!

1/17/17 - One more from his 8 month birthday!

1/18/17 - Dino feet

1/18/17 - And the rest of the dino!
1/19/17 - Cuteness in his sleep chair!

1/19/17 - Benjamin in his crib, with the new bumpers!

1/20/17 - Sweet sleeper
1/20/17 - Looking at mama on the way to work!
1/20/17 - "I know I'm cute!"

1/21/17 - Benjamin with grandma!

1/21/17 - Milk time!

1/21/17 - Playing on the floor!

1/21/17 - Playing on the floor with silly mama!
1/21/17 - Benjamin loves the train!
1/21/17 - Showing off the Honest diapers.  Thanks Jessica!
1/22/17 - We love this expression.

1/22/17 - We love this one because it looks like Benji's taking a selfie.

1/22/17 - Hanging out on the couch with mom and dad!

1/22/17 - No idea why, but sometimes Benjamin giggles the most on the changing table!

1/23/17 - Making a very silly face at papa during feeding time

1/24/17 - Benjamin pretending to read...but I wouldn't put it past him!

1/24/17 - "I'm trying to read here, papa."


1/26/17 - More car seat cuteness!


1/27/17 - Train time again!

1/27/17 - Holding his own bottle in the crib!

1/27/17 - Plump Bean!

1/27/17 - Fox shirt, dark pants and socks.  Dressed to the nines.

1/28/17 - The next morning, a similar and yet entirely different ensemble.

1/29/17 - Early in the morning, he crawled for us for the first time!  We have videos on Youtube!

1/29/17 - The new wall-mounted baby monitor!  With everything in place, we officially moved him into the crib and abandoned the sleep chair once and for all.

1/30/17 - Sleepy Bean, right before I had to wake him to pick mama up from work.

1/31/17 - He's so beautiful, isn't he?